Sunday, September 6, 2009

go and preach

We have been given the commission to go and share the love of God with the world. Of course, we have opportunity of doing this wherever we are, whether it be in a church service or whether it be when we are getting a cup of coffee. The obvious fact is we have opportunities of speaking of the wonderful works of God wherever and whenever it is possible to do so. Recently i have been thinking that i need to do this more often, and because of this we decided to have a month dedicated to simply encouraging people to get right with God. It is my desire to see many come to faith in Jesus, especially those who are members of this church who are not saved. Funny, you can call a church your home church, and still be unsaved and there are many here in that condition. I pray that the Lord touches them tonight, and that they come to faith in Jesus.
On the 13th, Mike MacIntosh will be sharing the Word. Mike is somebody that I have respected for many years, and is a tremendous example of faith and a heart for the lost. He has seen many churches planted from Horizon San Diego, and has had a school of evangelism for longer than I can remember. He speaks in Mexico often, bring the Festival de Vida outreaches and has seen thousands come to faith in Jesus through this ministry. Raul will be with us also, and we will close the month off by having Pancho share. It will be great and I am looking forward to seeing God move as only He moves. Plan on being with us for all four nights: hey, you might want to make Sunday nights a priority again!

1 comment:

ilovetolaugh said...

"you can call a church your home church, and still be unsaved" heart goes out to those in our fellowship that don't have a right relationship with the Lord..i pray the turnouts on Sunday evenings will increase..thank you for your heart to further the Kingdom, ..may the Lord continue to strengthen you and your family!..much Love In Him :)