Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haiti Relief

We are waiting to hear how we can be of help to the people of Haiti. Our fellowship has provided financial gifts, and we are going to be sending them for relief as soon as we hammer down a few things. One of the things is: we have a member of our fellowship whose parent's have been ministering in Haiti for 35 years. We are waiting on some direction from him to see if we might be able to come along side of their ministry in a practical way. We are also looking at various ministries that are funneling funds into relief aid, and are waiting on this to make sure the funds go to the most needy that we can find. Ultimately we obviously trust that the Lord will direct the gifts, but at the same time we are waiting for a short time until we disperse them. Prayerfully we should be able to do so this week, so if you have anything you would like to give, please feel free to send your gift to the church and we will send it as soon as we determine where it will be most effective. Just label your gift Haiti Relief

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Pastor David,
With such an amazing amount of organizations out there asking for relief aid, I am grateful that you are providing a place where we can give with confidence, knowing that our gifts will be placed where the Lord has led you to place them. God Bless you and our Church family that has a heart for those in need.